
Showing posts from 2018

Dynamics Portal - Hide 'Sign in with External Account' and 'AzureAD' button

Disable external accounts login for Dynamics 365 Portal I came across a requirement in a project where we need to restrict portal users using AzureAD or External accounts to create login accounts. After some digging, I figured out the steps to be performed to disable external accounts and AzureAD. Now, let’s look at steps External Account         Navigate to Portals -> Website -> Site Settings.          Search/find record Authentication/Registration/ExternalLoginEnabled  and then open the record.          Update value to ‘false’ and save the record. AzureAD         Navigate to Portals -> Website -> Site Settings.          Search/find record Authentication/Registration/AzureADLoginEnabled  and then open the record.          Update value to ‘false’ and save the record. Once ...

Microsoft Portal JavaScript

We have been working on Microsoft Dynamics Portals for sometime now and we come across scenarios where we need to show/hide fields, make fields required and so on..  Today we will see how we can use Javascript to perform these basic functions. Place all your code in Jquery Document ready function $(document).ready(function () { //your functions }); Disable lookup field if ($("#" + fieldName + "_name").hasClass("lookup")) { disableLookup(fieldName, fieldName + "_entityname"); } function disableLookup(LookupNameID, LookupEntityNameID) { var L_EN_ID = '#' + LookupEntityNameID; var L_N_ID = '#' + LookupNameID; var buttonContainer = $(L_EN_ID).next()[0]; if (buttonContainer != null && buttonContainer.children != null) { for (var i = 0; i < buttonContainer.children.length; i++) { var tagName = buttonContainer.children[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName == "button") ...

Dynamics 365 - Portals - Custom Domain

There could be various scenarios where it is required to use a custom domain for our Dynamics portals instead of the out-of-box Microsoft hosted domain i.e. * Considering this requirement, Microsoft provided a feature in portal management to set up Custom Domain with SSL certifications Before we get into the details, we have couple of pre-requisites. Licensed Organization Dynamics account is required. We will not be able to use custom domain  for a trial version. Custom Domain and SSL Certificate. Assuming you have the first pre-req covered, we can buy a custom domain and an SSL certificate is generated by the vendor who provided the custom domain. But for SSL, we need to provide the vendor a .CSR file. So how do we generate the .CSR file?  Below are simple steps to follow. Download the popular DigiCertUtil from here . Choose option Create CSR, provide the needful information and click on Generate. Note that certificate t...

Dynamics 365 - Flow - Multilevel Approval Request (Flow)

Microsoft vision is to move towards connected applications. Common Data Model(CDM) is integral part of this vision enabling various applications to sync data to CDM. Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Flow and Outlook applications use CDM to communicate. We also have many other connectors available from Microsoft. Multi-Stage Approval Process: Scenario: We will have various scenarios where we need to have multilevel approvals to process requests. For example, we might have a situation where a warranty claim case requires approvals based on the claim amount. We will now look at the how to send multi stage approval requests for events in Dynamics 365 through Flow to Outlook. Pre-Requisites: Office 365 account, Dynamics 365 App Flow URL:     Let’s assume a Case created in Dynamics 365 requires multilevel approvals. We can use Microsoft Flow to send an email for approval and once approved or rejected, we se...

Dynamics 365 – Email Approval Request using Flow.

Microsoft vision is to move towards connected applications. Common Data Model(CDM) is integral part of this vision enabling various applications to sync data to CDM. Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Flow and Outlook applications use CDM to communicate. We also have many other connectors available from Microsoft. We will now look at the how to send approval requests for events in Dynamics 365 through Flow to Outlook. Pre-Requisites: Office 365 account, Dynamics 365 App    Let’s assume a Quote created in Dynamics 365 requires client approval to create an Order. We can use Microsoft Flow to send an email to the client for approval and once approved or rejected, we send an email to the Sales rep on the approval status to follow the next steps of order creation. Below is a sample quote created in dynamics 365. Now let’s see the below steps on how Flow can be used to send email to the client for approval. 1.       Cr...